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Employer Tax Obligation to the Employee.

Your employer is mandated by the Tax Laws in the UK to assess your employment circumstances and deduct necessary income taxes and NIC from your pay. They do this on behalf of HMRC.

The employer should be as transparent as possible with how gross income amounts are calculated and provide a payslip that is clear in listing all the elements of your payslip deductions.

Where the employer can explain, they should, but where they are not sure, each taxpayer is entitled to contact HMRC on their postal address or phone them on 03002003310 and make inquiries about their personal tax circumstances. The government website, www.gov.uk is also full of useful information for taxpayers.

Authority to impose Taxes in the UK

After your employer has made all tax and national insurance deductions, they should make submissions to report them to HMRC. They will have to make remittance payments to HMRC as well within the required time frames.

The Tax Laws in the UK give authority to His Majesty Revenue Collection (HMRC) to levy and collect taxes on behalf of the government. Taxes in the UK form the biggest part of government revenues. Taxes are charged to all chargeable persons for the government to fund its programmes of infrastructure development and wealth redistribution.

Employees no longer need to pay taxes themselves directly to HMRC. The employer is legally mandated with collecting payroll taxes and NICs then remit them to HMRC.

Finally, Additional Information for Employees

It is now easier to view your personal information and update HMRC of your changes in personal circumstances via the HMRC App

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Fungayi Mukosera

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